How Social Media Influence On Our Lives

The influence of social networks on our society

Social media could be a powerful revolution that changed our lives all around; its modified means allow us to socialize, run our businesses, communicate in dogma, build professions, and set up hires,
It has attracted a wide range of users with an estimated 3.5 billion users worldwide.

This is in line with social media statistics for 2019. Here are the main ways these platforms are densifying our society:


With the use of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, there has been a major revolution in how individuals socialize. It is created to easily join our family members, friends, and relatives in a certain period.

Using social media, individuals will share footage and videos and communicate with their close ones. It has strong relationships and it is transferring families during means that were not possible in the past.

Families, friends, relatives, and businesses have the chance to share skills and improve in completely different skills. in addition, individuals make and meet new friends.


Social media has made businesses very compact – from sales to timely interaction with customers. A business that has adopted social employment has a certain advantage over its competitors.


Online platforms are a more cost-effective means for businesses to regularly advertise their offers and attract many customers. Social media was created to make it simple for businesses to target a wider client base and improve client loyalty through completely different programs.

Easy access to customers offers businesses the ability to retain existing customers and attract many more. This ends up with a nice market share bigger profit margins and some smart dollars for businesses.

Through the interaction and feedback from businesses towards their customers, they will quickly perceive the market and adopt new ways, in addition to adapting to the dynamic tastes and demands of customers.


Social media has a compact policy in many ways. These days, it’s wherever most get their news; in some cases, this is often before the media’s homes. It is the medium that offers the easiest access to political and alternative news.

Collectively, these online platforms allow individuals to voice their political grievances to their political leaders and demand that action be taken. It is simultaneously the medium where mass political gatherings are formed, campaigns run, and even political unrest is most felt.


Social media

Social media has quite a compact recruitment of jobs. most corporations build their recruiting capabilities supported by someone’s social portfolio. Recruiters collectively use online networks to post job vacancies through which they source their ideal candidates.

Together, they created easy access to jobs for job seekers. this is often evident on platforms such as LinkedIn, where job seekers create a profile containing their skills and see what job opportunities are posted by recruiters.


Many professions and skills are created and learned through social media. There is a huge increase in online learning wherever one simply learns a skill and builds a robust profession around it. The existence of social media has led to an increase in the range of individuals trying distance learning, further as educational offers such as writing services.

Negative effects of social media

However, social networks have negative effects. Despite being the platform through which we tend to socialize, conduct our business, and perceive dogma, here are some negative outcomes to consider:

Through the sharing of personal information, one’s privacy is threatened by impersonation, theft, and stalking—among the alternative vices. Nowadays, corporations use social media to identify job candidates. Posting something offensive or embarrassing can cause you to lose those job opportunities as a result of “the network never forgets”.
Online social platforms are addictive and this has drastically reduced productivity in workplaces. This hurts businesses as they suffer losses.
In some cases, this has caused some individuals – especially introverts – to over-represent the virtual world as a critically important world.
Cyberbullying is another troubling impact of social media. The results of cyberbullying have caused victims to fall into depression and in other radical cases value their lives.
Since information spreads faster online, a bunch of false information can quickly reach a huge number of individuals and cause quite a bit of panic among the recipients.


Influence of social media on mental health

To date, most research examining the impact of social media on mental health has focused on potential negative aspects.

Social Media

For example, a 2019 study of 6,595 teenagers from the United States concluded that those who spend more than 3 hours a day on social media may have a higher risk of mental health problems than those who do not.

However, the extent to which social media harms mental health is debatable. A recent review, available as a preprint, found that most studies examining the link between social media and mental health show “weak” or “inconsistent” associations.

Another review found that while there may be a small negative association between social media use and mental health, the link is complex and depends on how researchers define mental health and social media use.

These conflicting findings make it difficult to navigate research examining the effects of social media on mental health and how best to use social media. With that in mind, Medical News Today sought input from seven psychology experts at the intersection of social media and mental health.

Teens and social media

There are steps you can take to encourage responsible use of social media and limit some of its negative effects.

Consider these tips for teens

Social Media

Set reasonable limits. Talk to your teen about how to prevent social media from interfering with their activities, sleep, meals, or homework. Encourage a bedtime routine that avoids electronic media use, and keep cell phones and tablets out of teens’ rooms. Lead by example and follow these rules yourself.
Monitor your teen’s accounts. Let your teen know that you’ll be checking their social media accounts regularly. You can try to do this once a week or more. Make sure you follow through.
Explain what is wrong. Discourage your teen from gossiping, spreading rumors, bullying, or damaging someone’s reputation—online or otherwise. Talk to your teen about what is appropriate and safe to share on social media.
Encourage personal contact with friends. This is especially important for adolescents at risk of social anxiety disorder.
Talk about social media. Talk about your social media habits. Ask your teen how they use social media and how it makes them feel. Remind your teen that social media is full of unrealistic images.
If you think your child is experiencing signs or symptoms of anxiety or depression related to social media use, talk to your child’s healthcare provider.


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