How To Cure Cold and Flu at Home?

Along with the colder weather and darker evenings, fall and winter bring colds and the flu. Although a runny nose, sore throat, and cough are common symptoms of both, they are caused by different viruses. Discover the distinctions between a cold and the flu.
Most of us can manage colds and flu at home without seeing a doctor by taking care of ourselves, and over-the-counter medications can occasionally help relieve symptoms. In this article, we’ll reveal the best ways to cure a cold or flu, as well as natural therapies that may help relieve your symptoms.


Colds and flu are viruses with similar symptoms, but there are several key differences. The following are the most common symptoms of a cold:

Runny or obstructed nose
Coughing due to sore throat
You will most likely experience the following symptoms if you have the flu:

Fever or a high temperature
Aches and pains in the muscles
Chills and shivering
Extreme exhaustion
A migraine
Sore throat and dry cough
Appetite loss

Symptoms of a cold or flu include a blocked or runny nose, a sore throat, a headache, muscle aches, coughing, and sneezing.

Keep hydrated

Throughout the day, drink plenty of water, fruit juice, or squash. This can aid in the relief of congestion and other symptoms.

If you have a sore throat, gargle with salt water.
Salt is a natural antiseptic that can help prevent illness. In a warm glass of water, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt, then gargle and spit it out. You can do this as many times as you want, but keep in mind that it may feel sore or uncomfortable, and don’t swallow the salt water.


Ginger contains antioxidants, antimicrobials, and anti-inflammatory compounds. Among the applications are reliable sources for minimizing muscle soreness and nausea.

Cook a few slices of raw ginger root in boiling water to make tea.

It may relieve muscle discomfort, soothe a sore throat, and minimize nausea, in addition to providing hydration.


Chicken soup

Although there is no scientific evidence that chicken soup will cure a cold or flu or hasten recovery, its contents do contain nutrients that help your immune system. It’s also a soothing snack that hydrates you and may make you feel better overall.
There is also some evidence that the nutrients in chicken soup may limit neutrophil migration in your body.
Neutrophils are white blood cells that assist your body fight infection. They stay more concentrated in the places of your body that need them when they move slowly. This could help with healing.

Try this chicken soup recipe. Chicken, carrots, celery, and an onion are required. Consider bone broth, which may also be beneficial to your health.

If you must use canned soup, choose low-sodium types.


Honey contains antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. Honey in tea with lemon can help relieve sore throat pain. According to research trusted Source, it may also serve as a cough suppressant.

Honey should never be given to a child under the age of 12 months because it may contain botulinum spores. While they are normally harmless to older children and adults, newborns’ immune systems are incapable of combating them.


Garlic includes allicin, a chemical with antibacterial and perhaps antiviralTrusted Source effects.

Including garlic in your diet may help to lessen the severity of cold symptoms. According to various studies may even help you prevent being sick in the first place, according to a reliable source.

More research into the possible cold-fighting properties of garlic is needed, but adding more garlic to your diet won’t hurt.



Vitamin C

It is critical to obtain important nutrients and vitamins to maintain a healthy immune system. You can increase your intake of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and zinc by taking supplements or incorporating them into your diet. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that serves numerous critical roles in your body, including immune system support. Vitamin C is abundant in the following foods:

the citrus fruits
red bell peppers
broccoli and other green leafy vegetables
When you’re sick, adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey may help minimize phlegm. Drinking hot or cold lemonade may also be beneficial.

Vitamin C in the diet or as supplements is unlikely to prevent a cold, but there is some evidence that it may ease symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold.


Increased humidity may aid in the relief of nasal and throat dryness and inflammation.

A humidifier in your bedroom or other parts of your home may make you feel more at ease. A few drops of eucalyptus oil may also aid with congestion relief.

Take a long shower or linger in a steamy bathroom to achieve the same effect without using a humidifier.

Remember that the water in humidifiers must be changed regularly to prevent mold and other fungi from forming.

Boosting your immune system won’t help if you currently have the flu, but it will protect you from future episodes and more severe symptoms.


Get enough rest and sleep

Fighting a cold or the flu can be exhausting for your body.

Resting and resting as much as possible will help you preserve energy and allow your body to focus on fighting the infection.

There is presently no cure for the common cold or flu, but a variety of dietary options, vitamins, and other home treatments may help ease symptoms.

A smattering of evidenceSome therapies, according to Trusted Source, may lessen the length of the sickness, but additional research is needed.

Take actions to enhance your immune system, such as eating well, sleeping well, and exercising, to minimize your chances of getting a cold or flu. Having all necessary vaccines is also a must.

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can irritate the throat and weaken the immune system, thus they should be avoided.

Stay at home and restrict contact with others: To avoid transmitting the flu to others, stay at home and limit contact with others until you’re no longer contagious, which is usually 5-7 days following the onset of symptoms.

To keep your immune system strong, eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

If your symptoms intensify or do not improve after a few days, or if you have underlying health concerns that could be exacerbated by the flu, you should see a doctor.

Antiviral drugs may be provided in some situations to minimize the severity and length of the illness, but they are most effective when administered early in the course of the flu. Because influenza can sometimes cause complications, it’s critical to keep an eye on your symptoms and get medical assistance if necessary.

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