How to Reduce Uric Acid at Home?

Uric acid is a natural waste product produced during the digestion of purine-containing meals. Purines are found in high concentrations in particular meals and are created and degraded in your body.

Uric acid is normally excreted by the body through the kidneys and urine. Uric acid can build up in your blood if you consume too much purine or if your body is unable to clear this by-product quickly enough.

A normal uric acid level is less than 6.8 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Hyperuricemia is defined as a high uric acid level (more than 6.8 mg/dL). This can cause gout and increase the acidity of your blood and urine. understand the circumstances and factors that might cause uric acid to accumulate in your body, and then read on to understand how to naturally lower uric acid levels in your body.

Purine-rich food should be Avoided

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You can reduce your exposure to uric acid. Some meats, fish, and vegetables are high in purine. When these items are digested, they all contribute to the formation of uric acid.

Avoid or limit your consumption of purine-rich foods such as:

organ meats from red meat
poultry fish shellfish
According to a reliable source, cutting less on purine-rich foods may not affect uric acid levels.

Sugar should be Avoided

Fructose is a naturally occurring sugar found in fruits and honey. When your body breaks down fructose, it releases purines and raises uric acid levels.

Because beverages lack fiber, protein, and other nutrients, fructose in beverages is absorbed faster than sugars in entire foods.

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Table sugar, corn syrup, and high fructose corn syrup are some of the other sugars found in food. According to 2020 Trusted Source research, rapid absorption of refined sugars raises blood sugar levels and leads to greater levels of uric acid.

Here are some suggestions for reducing your sugar intake:

Consume more whole foods.
Limit your intake of processed and packaged foods.
Look for additional sugars on food labels.
Fresh fruit can satisfy sugar cravings.

Replace sugary drinks with water, unsweetened beverages, or sugar-free coffee.

Increase your water consumption

Drinking enough fluids aids your kidneys in flushing away uric acid more quickly. The kidneys filter out around 70% of the uric acid in your body. Drinking plenty of water can improve your kidneys and may lower your risk of uric acid kidney stones. Always keep a water bottle on hand. Set an alarm to remind you to drink a few sips per hour.

Consume coffee

In 2016, research was conducted. According to a reliable source, coffee may help lower serum uric acid levels in two ways:

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It competes with the enzyme in the body that breaks down purines, decreasing the rate of uric acid generation. It accelerates your body’s excretion of uric acid.
Other research from the 2016 Trusted Source indicates that there is sufficient evidence to support caffeine’s potential to reduce uric acid levels. A  study by Trusted Source discovered that frequent coffee consumption was not substantially connected with the risk of hyperuricemia.

More research is needed, according to the researchers, to determine whether coffee affects uric acid levels.

Control your weight

Excess body fat could contribute to high uric acid levels. Your kidneys may perform less efficiently if you gain weight. It can also increase uric acid synthesis while decreasing uric acid excretion through urine.

If you feel that your weight is contributing to your elevated uric acid levels, consult your doctor before beginning a new weight loss or weight management plan.

They may send you to a nutritionist who can assist you in developing a nutritious and well-balanced eating plan. Furthermore, they may be able to propose an exercise regimen or lifestyle changes to help you.

Increase your fibre intake

Consuming extra fiber can help lower uric acid levels. Fibre can also help you maintain a healthy blood sugar and insulin level. It increases satiety, keeping you fuller for longer.

Most adults should aim for 22-34 grams of fiber in their diet via high-fiber meals. Increase your fiber intake gradually to avoid intestinal discomfort.

Increase your vitamin C intake

According to Trusted Source, a high vitamin C intake can help decrease uric acid levels. More research is needed, however, to determine how vitamin C impacts uric acid levels.

You can also obtain more by consuming vitamin C-rich foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C pills are also available over the counter.

Home Remedies

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Here are some more home remedies that may aid in uric acid management:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to assist the body in flushing away extra uric acid.
Drink a spoonful of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water daily. Apple cider vinegar may assist in alkalinizing the body and lowering uric acid levels.
Water with lemon:
Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning. Lemon water can help to alkalinize the body and aid in uric acid removal.
Cherries: Consume cherries or cherry juice regularly. Cherries include chemicals that may aid in the reduction of uric acid levels and the relief of gout symptoms.


Drink ginger tea or incorporate ginger into your diet. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics that may aid in the reduction of gout-related inflammation and the reduction of uric acid levels.
Turmeric: Cook with turmeric or take turmeric pills. Curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory qualities and may aid in the reduction of uric acid levels.
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Consume high-fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Fibre can aid in the regulation of uric acid levels and the function of the kidneys.
Purine-rich foods such as organ meats, seafood, red meat, and alcohol should be avoided because they can contribute to elevated uric acid levels.

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and for adequate uric acid metabolism.
Herbal treatments:
Some herbs, such as nettle leaf, dandelion root, and celery seed, have long been used to support kidney function and lower uric acid levels. Before utilizing herbal medicines, consult with a healthcare practitioner.


Uric acid is reduced by eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
Some drugs can swiftly lower uric acid levels, although they are often used to treat gout. Reducing your uric acid levels naturally will take more time while your body adjusts. Medication can help dissolve uric acid stones. The more urine you have, the more effective it will be. As a result, it’s also critical to drink plenty of water. Gout and other health disorders caused by excessive uric acid levels can be improved with diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. They cannot, however, always replace medical therapy.

Take all drugs as advised by your doctor. A proper diet, exercise, and medication regimen can help lower elevated uric acid levels and keep symptoms at bay. There may be numerous meals to avoid to lower uric acid levels. Making a weekly meal plan is the best method to restrict these foods. Consult a dietician to determine the best diet plan for you.



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