Screen Time For Kids

effects of screen time for kids

Screen time” is a term that is usually used for activities that are done in front of a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer, or playing video games. Screen time meaning can be, that you are being physically inactive while sitting down. Very little energy is used during screen time. In this digital era, kids spend a lot of time watching screens, including gaming consoles, tablets,  smartphones, TVs, and computers. In the United States, on average kids aged 8-12 spend 4 to 6 hours a day watching or using screens. However Screens can entertain and teach children, but too much use can lead to problems. While a lot of the research is focused on the risks associated with screen use there are also many benefits. In this article, I’d like to explore some common negative and positive effects associated with screen use.

Children under age 2 should have no screen time.

Limit screen time to 1 to 2 hours a day for children over age 2.

The Negative Effects Of Screen Time for Adults And Children

In this modern era screen is a big part of everyone’s life. Children should limit screen time to 1 to 2 hours per day. Too much screen time can lead to chronic neck and back problems. It can also lead to obesity, sleep problems, anxiety, and lower test scores. Adults should limit their screen time outside work hours. Parents should encourage their children towards other activities. In this modern time of Social Media adults also spend a lot of time on their iPhones. Prolonged screen time can be a risk factor for obesity and can also impact heart health. Negative effects of excess screen time can lead to a higher risk of diabetes, increased blood pressure, and cholesterol.

Effects of screen time for kids

According to a survey, most American children spend about 3 hours a day watching TV. All types of screen time can total 5 to 7 hours a day. Too much screen time makes it hard for your child to sleep at night.

Electronic devices interfere with the brain’s sleep cycle and can prevent getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a building block for development. Those kids who have the recommended amount of sleep improve attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. You should keep screens out of the bedroom and avoid them for at least an hour before you climb into bed.

Manage Screen Time For Kids

Too much screen time can cause chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain. Choose a time for your whole family to unplug from the phone, TV, and computer. When all family members agree to put down their devices, it gives your family the chance to spend quality time together. Some kinds of tools can be used to filter or block unwanted content. You can even set daily screen time limits. Parents can limit screen time using one of the built-in features on your device. All Apple devices ship with parental control features so you can limit screen time iPhone and on iPad devices. Parents can manage screen time by applying these rules,

To avoid screen time, parents should remove the TV or computer from their child’s bedroom.

Parents must not allow TV watching during meals or homework.

Also, Do not let your child eat while watching TV or using the computer.

Decide which programs to watch ahead of time.

Parents should involve their children in other activities, such as family board games, puzzles, or going for a walk.

Keep a record of how much time is spent in front of a screen.

Be a good role model as a parent. Decrease your own screen time to 2 hours a day.

You can also try using a sleep function so your TV turns off automatically.

Screen Time For Kids In the Digital Age

The widespread adoption of smartphones has introduced a wrinkle to the challenges of parenthood. The majority of parents in the United States say that parenting is harder today than it was 30 years ago. Overall parents are apprehensive about the long-term effects of smartphones on children’s development: 71% believe the widespread use of smartphones by young children might potentially result in more harm than benefits. Many parents believe that technology and gadgets are essential for a child’s development. But, How much time should a child spend in front of a screen?

Positive Screen Time For Kids

If a student of computer science study or use of computer for homework, that can be called beneficial use of the screen. But when he spends lots of time on screen watching non-educational materials and entertaining computer games that can be harmful to his mental and physical health.

Effects of screen time for kids

There are also some benefits of technology and gadgets. A student can do school-related homework and research on his computer.

kids’ indulgence in playing video games can improve motor skills and coordination. Internet tools, texting, and shared video games are easy and fun ways to socialize and communicate with others. Parents may not always know what their children are viewing, or how much time they are spending with screens. Being a parent you should keep an eye on your child about what they are seeing.

Point out good behavior, such as cooperation, friendship, and concern for others. Make connections to meaningful events or places of interest.

Parents must set a good example with their own safe and healthy screen habits.

You should teach your children about online privacy and safety.

Actively decide when your child is ready for a personal device.

Encourage using screens in ways that build creativity and connection with family and friends.

You should consider your child or teen’s maturity and habits. Remember, the right plan for one family may not be a good fit for another. Positive and healthy screen use when you give your child a proper guideline.


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